Sant1 min readHow to start Vermi-composting Pt2 One of the most efficient way to compost your garden waste is by using worms. You will not only help reduce the methane gas from...
Sant2 min readVermicompost aka Worm castings Pt1Worm Castings contain a highly active biological mixture of bacteria, enzymes, remnants of plant matter and animal manure, as well as...
Sant2 min readCricket Frass Cricket Poo or Cricket Frass is 100% pure “cricket litter”. It contains pure cricket poo and shed cricket skins (exoskeletons) and shreds...
Sant2 min readDung, poop and shitsManure is high in nutrients that plants need to grow properly, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. Different...
Sant2 min readCIRP aka Christmas Island Rock PhosphateCIRP or Christmas Island Rock phosphate, is mined from rocks made of sea bird poop compiled over millions of years that contain...
Sant1 min readEpsom Salt aka Bitter Salt Epsom salts—the common name for the magnesium-sulfate compound (MgSO4). Epsom salt is a natural mineral that is made from hydrated...
Sant1 min readDolomite aka Ground Magnesium Limestone aka GMLDolomite is composed of calcium magnesium carbonate, ideally CaMg(CO3)2. Dolomite and dolomitic limestone are added to soils and soilless...