Images Of Organization Gareth Morgan Pdf Download
I can see people working in a role of an engineer, an accountant, etc. I can also see the more abstract images. The people in an organization can be parts of an organization or think of people working as an organization. I think of the images and then I try to find out what is happening in the organization. What is working well? What is not working well? How are the people in the organization working together?
I like the image of a machine because I think of something that is self sustaining and continues to work without thought of being repaired. Do you see the image of being like a machine when you think of an organization and how it functions?
There are also organizational images that I see of people playing roles in an organization. I see an organization of people who play a role of an engineer, an accountant, an engineer, a designer, a sales person, a customer service person, an accountant, a lawyer, an executive, a secretary, etc.
To improve the machine, it is important to think about the how the people in the organization work together and what can be done to make the people work together better. It is also important to think about the organization as a machine.
This book isn't only timeless because it offers a great resource, but because it provokes thought about how we get to the point where we realize this is how organizations are supposed to function. It wasn't like we didn't know this, but when you start to think about our own company as having the structure of a machine you start to notice things and patterns that help your organization be more productive. This book forces you to question everything that you currently know about how to do business. It's a wonderful resource for understanding how we got to this point, and where we can go from here.
In the book, this is referred to as “the machine metaphor.” The author points out that this image of the machine is not always accurate and that the metaphor is sometimes used to belittle the efforts and abilities of workers. It is important to know that the machine metaphor is not the only way of seeing how organizations work.
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