LINQ Methods Using LINQ To Transform Your data [UPDATED]
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Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language. Traditionally, queries against data are expressed as simple strings without type checking at compile time or IntelliSense support. Furthermore, you have to learn a different query language for each type of data source: SQL databases, XML documents, various Web services, and so on. With LINQ, a query is a first-class language construct, just like classes, methods, events. You write queries against strongly typed collections of objects by using language keywords and familiar operators. The LINQ family of technologies provides a consistent query experience for objects (LINQ to Objects), relational databases (LINQ to SQL), and XML (LINQ to XML).
For a developer who writes queries, the most visible \"language-integrated\" part of LINQ is the query expression. Query expressions are written in a declarative query syntax. By using query syntax, you can perform filtering, ordering, and grouping operations on data sources with a minimum of code. You use the same basic query expression patterns to query and transform data in SQL databases, ADO.NET Datasets, XML documents and streams, and .NET collections.
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is not only about retrieving data. It is also a powerful tool for transforming data. By using a LINQ query, you can use a source sequence as input and modify it in many ways to create a new output sequence. You can modify the sequence itself without modifying the elements themselves by sorting and grouping. But perhaps the most powerful feature of LINQ queries is the ability to create new types. This is accomplished in the select clause. For example, you can perform the following tasks:
Just one curious question from me, is there any transformation function in linq. I mean if i have List or List, i would like to change the elements at say index x or whoever satisfy the condition in Where.
Today you are most likely doing things such as grouping, sorting, transforming your data from one Poco, one Plain Old C# Object, to another.
We've covered how the what and why of Linq and hopefully you saw the need for one unifying language regardless of the data source. Furthermore, we've covered different operators in Linq and how you can use them to group, transform and compute what you need. It's impossible to cover everything so I urge you to have a look at the references section of this article to dive deeper. Hopefully, your understanding is now good enough so you can study further on your own.
This can bring about serious performance problem as you request database for redundant objects, which causes useless data to be sent over the network, and increases the size of data that application has to process in memory. On top of that is the cost to have query executed partly at the database and partly in app. Besides performance hit, you might get incoherent results due to different timezone or other environment variables. This should be avoided if your query can be translated to plain SQL, simply by using IQueryable.
In this article, we covered a few of the excellent ways to implement Sorting and Filtering with LINQ. We hope that using this information you will be able to be sorting and filtering your data with LINQ to get exactly what you need out of each query!
Because someNumbers is an IEnumerable, the query is parsed by LINQ to Objects. The same query syntax can be used with a tool like Entity Framework Core to generate T-SQL that is run against a relational database. LINQ can be written using one of two syntaxes: query syntax (shown above) or method syntax. The two syntaxes are semantically identical and the one you use depends on your preference. The same query above can be written using method syntax like this:
As you can see, there are a lot of different ways of working around the lack of support for computed properties in Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities. Which approach you choose depends largely on the factors of your project such as database complexity, query complexity, reuse requirements, etc. Hopefully one of these methods will help you tame all that computation and help release your data from your database.
The primary scenario for using LINQ to SQL is in applications with a rapid development cycle and a simple one-to-one object to relational mapping. In other words, you want the object model to be structured similarly to the existing structure of your database; you can use LINQ to SQL to map a subset of tables directly to classes, with the required columns from each table represented as properties on the corresponding class. Usually in these scenarios, the database has not been heavily normalized.
There is a limitation of what you can write in a DLINQ query. This is clear, because DLINQ queries are translated at runtime to T-SQL statements, so the possibilities of DLINQ queries are limited by the T-SQL language. Conversion to T-SQL supports many of standard language constructs, but it can hardly support calling of your methods for two reasons. First (more important) reason is that the method is compiled and it is not possible to get its expression tree (as long as you don't use utility like Reflector). The second reason is that T-SQL is very limited when compared with C# as I mentioned earlier, although saying that T-SQL is limited is not fair, because it has different purpose than languages like C# and it does it very well. Let's take a look at the following example. It is a simple DLINQ query against the Northwind database that calls function MyTest in the where clause:
This approach involves no attributes at all. In this case linq2db will use POCO's name as table name and property names as column names (with exact same casing, which could be important for case-sensitive databases). This might seem to be convenient, but there are some restrictions: linq2db will not infer primary key even if class has property called \"ID\"; it will not infer nullability of string properties as there is no way to do so; and associations will not be automatically configured.
Make sure you always wrap your DataConnection class (in our case DbNorthwind) in a using statement. This is required for proper resource management, like releasing the database connections back into the pool. More details
Entity Framework allows developers to define their own .NET methods to execute database stored procedures. This is done by creating function imports in the conceptual model that map to stored procedures. In this section, you will define your own method that is mapped to an Oracle stored procedure, which performs an update. The stored procedure will also return the modified data using an implicit resultset. The resultset metadata is defined by the developer in a .NET config file so that Entity Framework can properly retrieve the data. This section shows how to modify Oracle database data programmatically in Entity Framework. You will perform an insert and a delete on the DEPARTMENTS table.
LINQ Select operator is used to return an IEnumerable collection of items, including the data performed on the transformation of the method. By using Select Operator, we can shape the data as per our needs.
dotnet/runtime#61196 from @lateapexearlyspeed brings ImmutableArray into the span-based era, adding around 10 new methods to ImmutableArray that interoperate with Span and ReadOnlySpan. These are valuable from a performance perspective because it means if you have your data in a span, you can get it into an ImmutableArray without incurring additional allocations beyond the one the ImmutableArray itself will create. dotnet/runtime#66550 from @RaymondHuy also adds a bunch of new methods to the immutable collection builders, which provide efficient implementations for operations like replacing elements and adding, inserting, and removing ranges.
Now that we have covered the third of our three higher order functions, let us take time to reflect on some of the methods we have already learnt. First we can consider the Where extension method. We first looked at this method in the chapter on Reducing a sequence. While this method does reduce a sequence, it is not a fit for a functional fold as the result is still a sequence. Taking this into account, we find that Where is actually a fit for bind. As an exercise, try to write your own extension method version of Where using the SelectMany operator. Review the last example for some help...
Inside your IDE, it would be very annoying if every time you press . on an instance variable, every extension method under the sun is suggested to you. Fortunately, extension methods only become available when imported by the using clause. To get the standard LINQ, you must declare using System.Linq.
To eliminate that danger, use the same-ish namespace for the extensions throughout the modules of an application. It would be silly to insist on using exactly the same namespace, instead we suggest keeping only the last part of the namespace static. For example com.eggcorp.shared.linqextensions. Here the linqextensions is the denominator which is unchanged across the code complex. 153554b96e