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A preprocessor is a source-code analyzer which reads and processes asource code to create object code. Like a compiler, the preprocessorgenerates an abstract syntax tree (AST) for each file. The preprocessexcute and transform the abstract syntax tree into C source code, whichis then compiled into object code. The preprocessor itself is itself anascii text file that contains the source code of the preprocessingprogram.
The -r option is similar to the -s option, except that it forces thepreprocessor to treat all input as text, not as C code. In this sense it isequivalent to the -T option, which is described in the followingsubsection.
A toolchain is a set of tools used to compile projects.For example, at the hardware level, a compiler is a tool that cantranslate source code into machine-specific instruction sequences; at thesoftware level, a linker is a tool that can put together the instructionsequences (object files) generated by different compilers into one ormore output files (typically a relocatable output file).
If you don't mind doing a little digging you can also try and install a VMWare virtual PC. There are a couple of options available. You can download a free version of VMWare Workstation 8 here
Sorry I cant be more specific, as I dont know the exact brand you have. I will look up some information for you.
You should be able to download a demo of it from RealFlight so you can see if it will work. You can then use the demo to calibrate your radio and find out the frame rate you will be able to get at if you switch to a lower quality. If you find that you can get a higher frame rate, buy the high quality version.
RealFlight Trainer Edition also includes a lot of features for RC pilots who are more advanced, including:
Real-time performance with very low CPU usage.
Realistic controls.
A real-time flight simulator featuring a HUD, terrain, and weather.
Ability to connect to the Internet to download new scenery and airplane models.
Instructor lessons, including instructions on how to fly the helicopter, airplane, and airplane kits. 827ec27edc