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This invention relates to a pressure liquid level limiting valve and in particular to a valve which is operated in response to a pressure differential between first and second pressure liquid sides of a differential pressure type switch. The valve provides for the limiting of the differential pressure. The invention is especially useful as a fuel pump shut-off valve in fuels systems, such as those encountered in fuel injection systems of internal combustion engines. Such inlet valves may break down and leak thereby allowing fuel to spray out of the inlet nozzle, thereby causing damage and/or fire and creating a safety hazard. The sensors and shut-off valve of the present invention prevent such a condition and a shut-off valve in accordance with the present invention also generally provides a safety device so that if it does leak then least a potential hazard is identified thereby reducing possible damage.
There are three principal steps to achieving any therapy-induced therapeutic effect: the distribution of the therapeutic agent to the tumor via the blood stream in a sufficient concentration; the accumulation of the therapeutic agent in the tumor; and the destruction of tumor cells. The first two steps generally can be accomplished using normal circulating blood cells and circulating tumor cells. The use of antineoplastic agents to selectively kill tumor cells has not been successfully achieved in the past. The greatest problem in using antineoplastic agents to selectively kill tumor cells is the inability to deliver a sufficient amount of the therapeutic agent to the tumor. There are two major mechanisms for delivery: passive and active. Passive delivery occurs when the therapeutic is usually incorporated in a form that is appropriate for delivery to the tumor cells. Active delivery requires some form of energy (typically, chemotherapeutic drugs are delivered in an aqueous solution). For this reason cancers may be resistant by virtue of the biochemical mechanisms and enzymatic activity that aid in the repair of damage to DNA. DNA repair is an intrinsic finding in several normal cells of the body but is up-regulated by chemotherapeutic agents. Also, multidrug resistance (MDR) stems from a cross-resistance to structurally unrelated chemotherapeutic agents of the same class which specifically act on the same biochemical targets. It is believed that overexpression of certain transmembrane proteins (particularly the P-glycoprotein, MRP1 and BCRP) is responsible for MDR. d2c66b5586