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Anabolic-androgenic steroids pharmacodynamics
Anabolic steroids , also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS , are a class of steroid hormones related to the hormone testosterone. The first type of AAS was found to be in widespread use early in the 20th century. A more recent example is androsterone (the second type of AAS), which is currently in widespread use, especially among female athletes, norxpharmacy co reviews. A high dose of androsterone has been shown to cause reproductive damage to women and men, leading some researchers to argue that AAS use should be banned.[13]
The first case of male infertility is not known, based on the historical record, although it may have been the result of some type of damage caused during male circumcision in ancient Greece, buy anabolic steroids with a credit card.[14] It was not until later in the 19th century that the medical community began to recognize that certain types of steroids were linked to various health problems, including infertility in children, drugs bodybuilders use to lose weight.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, many AAS were prescribed by some physicians as a means of preventing men from becoming impotent after menopause, although they were later shown to be ineffective and sometimes even harmful to women during certain situations, drugs bodybuilders use to lose weight. For example, the use of anabolic steroids was initially restricted to athletes; in the 1950s, a variety of drugs and methods were used to facilitate athletes' performance.[1][15]
In response to the increasing use of these drugs, a number of medical researchers began to suggest that other substances, perhaps including estrogen, may have more long-term effects. A number of these substances are still in widespread use to this day. Two of these chemicals, progesterone and oestrogen, were found to be effective during pregnancy and nursing in a small number of individuals, Gear steroids.
A recent paper by researchers at the International AIDS Vaccine Education Project (IAVEP) and the Centers for Disease Control, has argued in favor of the use of synthetic AAS for certain conditions in which alternative pharmaceutical treatments are currently ineffective or may be potentially harmful, drugs bodybuilders use to lose weight.[16]
A new generation of synthetic androgens, including anabolic steroids, have been introduced into the market since 1991.[17][14] These products, such as aldosterone, have become very popular among many people in the Western world, especially in athletes, because they were cheap to produce for home use, anabolic-androgenic steroids pharmacodynamics. Many researchers believe that the rise of anabolic steroids has had detrimental effects on men by inducing excessive levels of physical strength and the development of acne, norxpharmacy co reviews.[17]
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