8 Spike - Nimic
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It's 6:30 a.m. here in Philadelphia, and our site metering tells me that Erard's article has sent about 220 of you here since Erard's article was posted on the NYT web site, or about 10% of our visitors over that period of time. We're grateful for the traffic, but I'll be interested to see how the NYT's readership measures against a real media giant such as fark.com. We got farked on June 14, when fark's editors linked to a scholarly exploration of the history of certain typographical practices. You can see the spike in traffic on this graph, amounting to about an extra 10,000 page views. How does the gray lady stack up against fark Keep clicking to find out.
Regarding your follow-up to the name-that-toon post on Language Log, in the bottom, with the Romanian transcription, you find something odd that appears throughout online Romanian text (I read Romanian with middling amounts of fluency): people replace Romanian letters (such as the s with the comma, ş or ș depending on what encoding you're using) with their equivalent English sound. And it isn't only nonnative Romanian speakers, or, say, second-generation Romanian-Americans who only know how to speak and not how to write the language. Native Romanians, living in Romania, post online using this shorthand. However, they do not usually find any way to represent the vowels (â, ă, î). Romanian can be completely comprehended without the accents, and in fact many things are published without them. The anglicization is totally unnecessary and reveals a strong affinity among Internet-savvy modern Romanians for English, which all Romanian school-aged children are taught. The \"lyric sheet\" you used gives the first line as: \"Gashca-i adunata, nimic nu s-a schimbat,\" where \"Gashca\" is meant to be \"Gaşca,\" where the ş makes the /ʃ/ sound. Ţ makes the /ʦ/ sound and is sometimes, represented as \"ts\" or \"tz,\" although this is not as prevalent as the ş/sh depiction.
Asa cum s-a scris in articolul de mai sus, hidrocentralele pot compensa pe termen scurt spike-uri de consum (sau scaderile bruste de productie).Vezi situatia din 14 Octombrie cand Unitatea 2 de la Cernavoda (care produce 10% din energia consumata in Romania) s-a deconectat de la sistemul energetic national. Nu s-a simtit nicaieri in tara nicio problema in alimentarea cu energie pentru ca Hidroelectrica a crescut aproape instant productia ca sa compenseze. 59ce067264