Buy Bosch Laser Measure
Each side of the device has a black rubber area to help with grip. The sides of the GLM 50 C are square to allow placing the device on a surface or against an object for accurate measurements. As stated in the specifications, the unit is rated for Ingress Protection (IP) factor 54 for dust and splash protection, but this protection does not apply to the battery compartment. This is approximately equivalent to the US NEMA 3 standard.
Device Settings: The measurement mode is chosen by pressing the Function button (more details below on measurement modes). The GLM settings are changed by pressing and holding the Function button. These settings allow you to change the units (options are decimal feet, decimal meters, decimal centimeters, fractional inches, and fractional feet and inches). In addition, the sound can be silenced, rotation of the screen turned on or off, the text size changed to small or large, the bubble level display on the main screen turned on or off, and a unit self-calibration can be performed. The reference point is chosen with the Measuring Reference Button on the lower right-hand side of the device control panel. You can take measurements with respect to the end of the device, the front of the device, or the middle of the device which corresponds to the tripod attachment point. An icon that represents the selected reference point is shown on the screen. When powered on, the unit defaults to the mode where the reference point is the end of the device as shown in the picture above (the top center icon on the display).
Display: The GLM display is backlit and very bright and easy to read, even outdoors in sunlight. It has multiple colors and will automatically rotate as you rotate the device if that setting is turned on. The icon representing the measurement mode is shown in the lower left-hand corner of the display, and a battery indicator is shown in the upper right-hand corner of the display. In the picture above, the device is set to small text size with the reference point chosen to be at the end of the device. The reference point selection is shown at the top of the display and also shows a flashing red indicator on the screen when the laser beam is on. The text size setting only affects the display when in Real Time mode, with the small text size option shown above. For this mode only, the large text size option will significantly increase the size of the measurement display, but the display will not show the min and max values, the mode icon, the bubble level, or the reference point. For all other modes of operation, the display uses small text size and selecting large text size has no effect on the display. Also, if the feature is activated, as shown above, a bubble level is displayed on the left side of the display to allow the user to ensure that the device is level when taking a measurement.
The GLM 50 C is packed with features and provides an enormous amount of measurement flexibility. We tested each of the eight measurement modes (starting clockwise from the top in the picture above); real time, area, volume, indirect, wall area, stake out, memory (not a measurement mode), level, and length. The device is fully functional even without the app, but connecting to your device provides even more flexibility for downloading data and even controlling the GLM from your device. The desired mode is chosen by pressing the Function button on the device and then using the Plus or Minus buttons to select the mode, and then pressing the Function button again.
Each mode is indicated with an icon as shown in the picture above, and on this mode selection page the highlighted icon is identified by a label located at the top of the display so you can tell what it is. The icon for the mode that you have selected is displayed on the screen when using the device to measure. Also, the icon aids in taking measurements by changing how it is displayed on the screen as the measurement is taken with a flashing red indicator (used to show which measurement is being taken), and in some cases the icon will be filled in with green when the measurements have been completed and the result is displayed (for area and volume calculations that require multiple measurements).
Buttons: I noticed that it took a little more force to push the buttons than I would have preferred thus increasing the potential for the inaccuracy of the measurement. In most cases, the act of pushing the Measure button to take the measurement would result in some movement of the GLM unless it was sitting directly on the floor. If the end of the GLM was placed against a wall, for instance, it was nearly impossible to push the Measure button without some movement of the laser. For most measurements, this probably has very little effect on the result. However, when trying to do an indirect measurement with the GLM rotated and the laser positioned at the desired end point for a height measurement, it was not possible to hold the unit steady and push the button. Thus achieving a highly accurate indirect height measurement is a challenge. I used a standard tripod for a double length indirect measurement of a 10 ft high wall, and the measurement was off by about 3 inches. This is primarily because the laser was moving when I pushed the Measure button and the entire tripod would shift slightly when trying to rotate the GLM. For this reason, using the app to control the device is preferred (see below for details).
The project feature also allows uploading a picture from the job site or drawing. The subsequent measurements taken can easily be added to the picture. The next measurement taken will show up on the picture with the length and an arrow, but the arrow will not necessarily be in the correct spot and will need to be moved. When relocating the arrow on the picture to represent the measurement taken, a close-up view of the arrow end appears as it is selected and moved to make it easier to place it in the correct spot.
You can also adjust the GLM settings from the app as shown in the above figure to the right. The measurement settings (units) for the GLM and the app are controlled separately. Changing the settings for the GLM is equivalent to adjusting them on the GLM itself. Changing them for the app controls the units used within the app, regardless of which units were used to take the measurement. This means that if you take all your measurements in feet, within the app you can switch the units to meters and all measurements will be changed, even in the labeled measurements on a picture or drawing.
I had the opportunity to actually use this device for a project that I am working on for my employer. This project involves replacing a 400 foot long run of header piping in a large mechanical draft cooling tower for a power plant, and I needed to perform field measurements to determine the actual locations of the 24 control valves and 4 pipe reducers. Trying to measure a 400 foot long run of piping with a 25-foot tape measure (our typical measurement tool) would have been a real pain, so I took my GLM 50 C and used it instead (without connecting to my phone to use the app).
I did some experimenting, and there are three ways to make this work for taking horizontal measurements from a distance. Unfortunately, for two of the methods you have to be directly under what you want to measure. Also, you will need a tripod that has a head that can be rotated left-right and up-down. The accuracy of these measurements will be on the order of inches, or worse depending upon how carefully you position the GLM and how well you can limit displacement when taking multiple measurements.
I barely did a few test trying to pair using a very new battery but they are dead. I have been using a Stanley laser level for a long time with the same three AAA batteries and still works but dont know if GLM and Stanley laser beam are comparable.
I am planning to buy a laser measurement device. So, Can you please help me out in deciding which one shall I buy. I got two models of two compin my mind. 1. Bosch GLM 50C 2. Leica Disto D2. Awaiting your reply.
Excellent review! I have been using a regular tape measure at work, my husband gifted me with the Bosch GLM 50 C and the directions it comes with are not very detailed. Your review told me everything I needed to know. Thank you!
I have been looking into this as well and it seems as if the CX might have a greater number of measurement modes, for example double indirect as well as indirect. However, it seems that you should probably be able to get by with using indirect twice and so the increased no. of modes probably do not warrant the increase in price
To the best of our knowledge, the C and CX models have identical modes of operation. Both have three indirect measurement modes as stated on the Bosch website. We have the C model and our review above confirms this for that model number.
However, the setting to change the display format of the measurement (fractional inches, feet/fractional inches, decimal feet, decimal centimeter, or decimal meter) will determine how the numbers are displayed when you are actually using the tool in the Stake Out mode to make the measurements. If you have the device in a fractional inches, feet/fractional inches, or decimal feet mode, those will determine how the dimensions are shown when doing the stake out measurements, but the screen that allows you to set the spacing will still be in decimal feet. If you have it set to display in decimal centimeters or meters, you will have to enter the spacing in decimal meters.
Unfortunately, there is no way that I know of to have the GLM 50C add lengths like you suggest. You have to add them together manually. When in Length mode, the previous three measurements are displayed on the screen, which might help. Alternatively, when using the app, every measurement is saved, so you can go in after the fact and add up the measurements.
And about the movement, yes, you are correct. Since you can control the unit from your phone, that is one way to activate the laser and take the measurement without touching the device. So I would definitely recommend that method if you are trying to get really accurate measurement or need to take long measurements. Even when I had the unit mounted on a tripod, the act of pushing the button would always move the laser. 59ce067264