Ftb Extreme Reactors Guide Fixed
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The reason is simply that the closer you get to 100% insertion the more the reactor is operating at the thermal efficiency limit (which is also known as the minimum reactivity or thermal limit). The reason for this is simple: it is harder for your reactor to use less fuel (and therefore less power) while still keeping the core stable. When your reactor starts to become unstable it needs to start to consume its fuel at a faster rate. For this reason there is a trade-off with the amount of reactivity at a given level of insertion. It is, however, possible to nearly double the efficiency at 100% insertion. Unfortunately the reactor also becomes increasingly more unstable as one approaches this 100% insertion point. Thus a reactor set to 100% insertion is not that great as the reactor is nearly impossible to fine-tune.
Another thing to consider is that the reactor is not only dependent on the amount of fuel being burned but it is also dependent on the rate of fuel being burned. This is true even for the biggest reactors as it is calculated as a function of the amount of fuel and the time it is burning. If a reactor takes half of its fuel in one tick than it will take less time to burn the second half. This means the reactor will be less efficient (and therefore unstable) during the second half. This means even with a maximum efficiency of 250 kRF/mB at 99% insertion, you will probably only reach maximum efficiency during the first half of its lifetime. If you do not want this behavior then you should not set the reactor to the minimum (ie. 0%) or maximum (ie. 100%) value as the reactor will simply burn your fuel too fast. You should instead set your reactor to a value somewhere in between. Even though 0% and 100% are the lowest and highest possible insertion settings you should not be using either. The goal is to get the reactor to burn at as close to 100% as possible while still having the ability to adjust its efficiency should you need to.
Note: If you are using a control wire with your reactor then your optimal setting will differ. See the control rods settings table to see what might work best for your specific scenario.
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