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And no one will doubt that the land of Nimrod was Assyria, as no one doubts that the mighty Nimrod was the founder of the people called Chaldeans. It was he, they say, who founded Nineveh. The Bible assigns him the most conspicuous place in the history of heathenism, and from the foregoing statement it is evident that he was a great and powerful monarch. His statue was destroyed by Alexander the Great, and his empire was destroyed by the arms of Cyrus. It is true that the Bible tells us of a people called Chaldeans, but they were one of the nations who obeyed the command of Cyrus, and settled in the country which he gave to the Jews. We have the authority of the Bible for saying that he came into the possession of Assyria, but all the Bible says is that he was a mighty monarch. Those who say he was Nimrod the son of Prometheus, and the Abbé d'Alexandrie say that he was Nimrod the son of Belus, are mistaken, and they are wrong. The Abbé's authority is good, but he misrepresents the Bible. Neither the statement of the Bible nor the statement of the Abbé can be correct. If we want to prove this great man to have been Nimrod the son of Prometheus, or Belus, we must find a witness to prove it. There is none. If we want to prove him to have been the son of Numa Pompilius, or the grandson of Ham, we must find a witness to prove it. There is none. All profane history falls down in utter silence before the Bible. If we want to prove that he was no Nimrod, but Nimrod the son of Prometheus, we must find a witness to prove it. There is none. Profane history is silent as the grave.
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