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On our return, we found that Mr. Coanwas gone to Honolulu, and we had to staywith Mr. K. It was a welcome change, [Pg199]after the tramp of the road. The next day,the captain came and took us back to Hilo,and the next, Jack and I started for Punaluu,and passed over the mountain range in a southerlydirection, and across the windward side of theisland, to the northward. The road had beenmade of lava blocks interspersed with fallentrees, which had been left there by the volcaniceruption. It was not a smooth way. A greatdeal of the lava had been thrown down thehillsides, and still lay there in heavy masses,with here and there a huge riven hillock.Sometimes we had to wade through a river,made of the lava, which had forded its wayacross the ocean. We passed through thicketsand groves of trees, which, as we approached,grew and spread more and more, until they enclosedus in a forest. Trees we had never seenbefore were growing all around us. Some werethin and shrubby, some tall and graceful; otherswe had not even time to name. We passed hedges, and fields, and pastures;we stopped to admire the scenery, and to watchthe horses nibble the grass. We stopped athouses, where we were received with joy, andwhere we were invited to stay. We passedmany beautiful cascades, deep blue lakes, andfertile valleys, fed by numerous streams fromout the mountains. We could not but admit thatit was a beautiful spot. But this was notour journey. We were to reach Punaluu, tofind a lake, a roaring waterfall, and a waterfallout of which a torrent roared, and a cascadefell, and a cave that had been the abode of abeing, whose name we could not pronounce, andwhose history was filled with wonder. Punaluu,the home of the wonderful, was the greatquestion of our journey. At last we saw, orthought we saw, a lake. It was a lake of water,but it was not the lake, and we were notthere yet.
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