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Before we go any further, we want to be clear that the website does not only offer List of Best Movies in Hindi Dubbed or Best of Hindi Movies but it also offers the best movie among all time. And that is something we feel very proud about.
Despite its vast collection of movie subtitles, we have to mention that the collection of movies is not as good as we expected it to be. It is not that all Movies are bad, but if you spend some time browsing, you can find some really bad movies that don’t even deserve to be buried in the ost of the websites. But it is not even about the movies. A good website should also be able to provide a good experience. So we were really disappointed with the homepage. The experience on the website is still great and we did not have any experience with the pitfalls. All that we did find is a small section of the movies. From that, we did not get the feeling of a database of movies. So, we are bit afraid to try the service because on the website homepage, there were no trailers, features or anything like that! We don’t mean to criticize the website but recommend that if you are planning to try this so you can try to navigate through the website before you download anything!
As far as the movies are concerned, we have found a list of best movies in hindi dubbed from the website. It is not a list, it would be like a collection of the best movie cherry picked from the website. And we find it as a better way of displaying the movies and movies’ quality rather than a list. And the choice of the movies is very subjective. So, we could not even judge how good were the movies and quality. But still it is better than a list of movies. d2c66b5586