Shadow Warrior 3
SHADOW WARRIOR 3 is the third installment in the over-the-top 25-year-old action game series. Taking place after the events of 2017's Shadow Warrior 2, mercenary warrior Lo Wang bands together with former employer and antagonist-turned-sidekick Orochi Zilla to find and destroy an ancient dragon that has left the world in ruins. The only other supporting characters are a sorceress named Motoko and a banished spirit named Hoji (who also helps in the Shadow Warrior reboot from 2013). This is a first-person shooter, with plenty of big guns, but also supports melee combat (mostly with a razor-sharp katana sword), and powerful magic attacks. There are platformer-style gameplay elements, like running and jumping over chasms, swinging from a grappling hook, climbing up some walls, and minor puzzle-solving (mostly environmental obstacles you need to figure out to escape an area). As with its predecessors, the gameplay balances gunplay and swordplay, with mayhem including cutting off heads (or crushing them with your bare hands), ripping off limbs or a spine (and in some cases, using these body parts as a weapon), and other grotesque finishing moves. 59ce067264