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This perception lasted for years and thesupervisors of curriculum development found that thebasic knowledge and skills that were needed and put in thenoschool curricula were not being achieved. A rethink and re-engineeringof the curriculum was needed.There were a few projects done in elementary and secondaryeducation and the Rbec was one of the progressive andrevised elementary and secondary curricula developed in thiscountry.This curriculum was patterned after the curriculum of the UnitedStates and other countries.The standard that is used as the basis for all othercurriculum changes is Education for All by UNESCO. (RaulRococo)In 1989, the first set of curricular guidelines for elementarylearning in the Philippines were developed. The purpose is toensure the highest quality teaching-learning -the basics of literacy and numeracy- that the childmay master in the pre-school and elementary levels. Grades K to 4;
A core content curriculum that comprises all thebasicstrands of learning (i.e., Language, Reading, Mathematics,Literacy, Science, Life Science, Social Sciences, Geography,History, Civics and Culture, Values) is first composed. Second,the learning objectives are described. These learning objectives shouldbe specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and appropriate (S.MeAAR). They must be observable and related to real eventsand participation. Third, the process of implementing the curriculum isdescribed. This phase includes matching curriculum to resources,developing the learning materials and instructional methods, andidentifying the teachers and other school staff.
The four aspects of the Rbec formulation will be described>(a) shortening the duration of the elementary and secondaryeducational programmes, (b) improving learning and teaching skills, (c)improving the quality of curriculum and assessment of learning, and(d) improving the school environment. d2c66b5586