They must place their list in the center of the table and take another that has been previously delivered by another member (you have to allow a margin of time and hope that the period set for creativity expires). After reviewing this new list you just selected, you'll add more ideas. Repeat until you run out of ideas. Without opening debate, until the stages are completed. Restriction Level Variation Regarding the writing of key words and for a slight restriction.
You can leave some sheets that will have been prepared, previously and in a simple way, with one or more starting ideas (for example error 1, problems A and B, etc. ) in the required area. Structured whatsapp mobile number list brain writing. This technique will be used to achieve a greater restriction, contemplating as valid only the sheets that are formally addressed to each participant.
A relationship with a particular topic that is of interest to discuss is also checked on each sheet, and the participants are asked to maintain the theme of the ideas that are proposed. Your job will focus on helping your sheet expand and increase new ideas relevant to the prefixed theme in the header of that assigned sheet.