Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 4th 13
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary 4th 13 >>>
Based on the results of the nine studies reviewed in this dissertation, there can be several possible interpretations. First, it is quite possible that signposts are used by learners, especially early beginners. For learners at this level, signposts are a tool to help them find the target senses. However, signposts are not used by all learners. Generally, experienced learners do not use signposts to find the target senses, but use a combination of both a dictionary and a word list. Advanced learners use the menu system more frequently, as it is easier and faster to use than signposts. The fact that menu entry is most favored by advanced learners may be a result of the classroom experience, whereby advanced learners are used to facing challenging language and are comfortable with the word list. For both types of learners, signposting can have beneficial effects. The most frequent beneficial effect is that it facilitates entry into the target senses, while the most frequent disadvantage is that it slows down entry consultation. It should be noted that the beneficial effects of signposts have been observed in a number of studies. Results of studies that observed no beneficial effects were inconclusive.
In addition to summary descriptions of our findings, we have also tried to explain them in an effective way. For example, Tono (2011) tried to explain her findings by referring to the fact that some signposts were misleading. Meanwhile, Lew and colleagues (2012) tried to explain why advanced learners used the menu more frequently by referring to the fact that it was a faster and more efficient tool. Nesi and Tan (2011) explained their results by referring to the fact that signposts are not always helpful, and menus are not always efficient. These are only examples, as many other studies have tried to explain their findings in different ways.
A study by Lew and colleagues (Lew, Day, & Brady, 2012) validated the fact that signposting was used more frequently than menu entry by the target learner population. The most significant finding was that the use of signposts decreased as proficiency improved, which was attributed to the fact that the cognitive load required for using a menu was higher than for using signposting. Using signposts did not have any negative effects on the accuracy of selection of senses, but it slowed down entry consultation.
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